On my Bedside Table:
Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood
On My TV:
My Husband is playing Rockband.
On the Menu for Tonight:
Left over Chicken Enchiladas, rice and salad
On My To Do List:
Getting my house back in order after the holiday and company
New Recipe I Tried Last Week:
Chinese Chicken Curry: loved it, thanks Bonnie
In The Craft Basket:
Hooded bath towels for Ava
Bridal Shower present for my Sister
Looking Forward To:
Wed. when T gets out of school early and we can have play time.
Homemaking Tip For This Week:
I know this is simple and probably something the majority of people does, but my tip is this. Plan your meals in advance, make a weekly menu. This leaves you with out the question of "What's for dinner?" and more importantly saves you gas money and grocery money from multiple trips to the grocery store throughout the week. And face it no one likes going to the grocery store, especially with young children.
Favorite Blog Post of the Week:
This post from Joy's Hope. What can I say, I am a sucker for tutorials.
Favorite Photo From Last Week:
Lesson Learned the Past Few Days:
Create traditions, create memories.
On My Prayer List:
My family
Devotionals, Scripture Reading and Key Verses:
Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. Doctrine and Covenants 121:45
Come join in on all the fun, visit Sandra's Blog at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and sign up on Mr. Linky!
this was my first time to link up w/ Sandra's Homemaker Monday too. Your blog is very nice - I too have this fear that my blog will seem like "bragging" - but like you, I just want to share & get advice & make friends :) I'm glad you put your blog "out there" for us to read :)
I love hooded towels for my kids! That is so neat that you can sew them! Your photo is super cute! :)
Happy Monday!
I love the sisterhood too and why is it that we do not do laundry when company is here? clothes still get dirty but I am guilty of this as well
Welcome to Homemaker Monday. You are so right about planning meals in advance and I am so bad about doing that.
Have A Marvelous Monday
from Roberta Anne
"The Raggedy Girl"
Your picture is absolutely darling! The colors are so vibrant!
I totally agree with you about the menu planning - my week goes so much smoother if I have it planned out...I just don't always get it done!
Have a great day!
Welcome to Homemaker Monday, I'm so glad you're joining in :)
You know, your tip is a great one, I've been menu planning for 12 or more years and couldn't do it without it...it really does help.
Welcome to Happy Homemaker! I agree with you on the menu planning. The weeks we do not do it we spend so much on food. Have a great week.
Wow...I would love to know how to make a hooded towel. Hope to see a photo when you are finished.
I really enjoyed the first of the Sisterhood - are the rest of the books as good? I will have to check them out!
Dinner sounds super yummy! My fav recipe from last week was a Curry too! So good!
Love the picture. That is too cute
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