I recently started a sewing class being taught by my Bishop's wife. I am loving it and feel totally inspired to craft, craft, craft. If only I had the time and the money. First up we made bean bags to feel more comfortable with our machines. Mind you I got mine for Christmas in 2000 and it had probably been used 3 times. Pathetic I know. Next up was a pin cushion, kinda cool, I'll post a photo later. Tomorrow I am starting a Christmas present for Trena, I am so excited. I am also working on Ava's blessing afgan. I have a few other ideas in mind as well and can't wait to get going on them. Alot of them will be presents for family so I won't be able to show everything right away, but come January...
I think you're so awesome for knowing how to sew, knit and crochet! I really wish I had someone here to teach me. I've always wanted to learn. Journaling is the main reason why I started to blog as well. You're the only one I let read it, so far. I let it accidently slip to others that I have a blog and they want to see it now. They were always wondering why I had my camera EVEYWHERE I went lol. That doesn't bother me though, But i'm still not about to shout it off the rooftop.
You're going to really love that sewing machine! I hope you have lots of fun together :)
Enjoy your sewing lessons - hopefully it will be the start of a life long hobby!! Love the design of your pincushion - love the little pockets for the thread - very clever.
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